Human Planet: The Complete Series
This is the original BBC version of Human Planet, narrated by John Hurt , with three hours of scenes not broadcast in North America. Following in the footsteps of Planet Earth and Life, this landmark eight-part series is a breathtaking celebration of the amazing, complex, profound and sometimes challenging relationships between humankind and nature.
Humans are the most successful species on the planet. From the frozen Arctic to steamy rainforests, from tiny islands in vast oceans to parched deserts, people have found remarkable ways to adapt and survive in the harshest places imaginable. We've done this by harnessing our immense courage and ingenuity, learning to live with and utilize the other creatures with which we share these wild places.
Human Planet (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Apr-26-2011
Run Time: 400 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on July 17, 2011)
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