Kingdom Of War
An epic historical action film about King Naresuan the Great, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma, changing the destiny of a nation. Part 1 introduces Naresuan as a child prince captured by the Burmese King Bayinnaung in order to keep the province of Ayudhya subservient. Naresuan spends almost seven years away from home studying as a novice Buddhist monk. Part 2 depicts Naresuan's life as the heir-presumptive to Ayudhya. Over the next decade, he matures in military capability and gains an enemy in Bayinnaung's successor, Nandabayin. Nandabayin orders Naresuan on an ambushed mission, for which Naresuan discovers and retaliates by strengthening Ayudhya's borders.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on June 17, 2011)
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