Deep within the wind-swept marshes of war-torn medieval Japan, an impoverished mother and her daughter-in-law eke out a lonely, desperate existence. Forced to murder lost samurai and sell their belongings for grain, they dump the corpses down a deep, dark hole and live off of their meager spoils. When a bedraggled neighbor returns from the skirmishes, lust, jealousy, and rage threaten to destroy the trio’s tenuous existence, before an ominous, ill-gotten demon mask seals the trio’s horrifying fate.
Devil Woman, The Demon, The Hole, The Ogress, The Witch
IMDb movie information page
Onibaba (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Mar-16-2004
Run Time: 103 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Satelk
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