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Spanish-American War, The: First Intervention

Synopsis: Over the course of 113 historic days in 1898, the United States established itself for the first time as a true international power, expanding American reach around the globe. The major battles of the war were fought simultaneously in Cuba and the Philippines, proving the might of a newly reorganized U.S. Navy. From the sinking of the USS Maine to the Battle of Manila Bay and the Rough Riders' legendary charge up San Juan Hill, some of the most iconic stories and images of the new American superpower were forged in this short war.

Directed By: None Genre: Documentary / History / War
Cast: none Year of Production: 2005


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History Channel Presents The Spanish-American War - First Intervention, The
History Channel Presents The Spanish-American War - First Intervention, The (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Jul-31-2007
Run Time: 141 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on December 16, 2010)

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