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Quantum Apocalypse

Synopsis: A rogue space anomaly is discovered approaching Earth, and it is up to the world's top scientist to stop it from the planet. As cities across the world are annihilated, the leaders of a small Louisiana town struggle to maintain order and fight the chaos ensuing in this global catastrophe. When the mayor and his wife discover the key to saving the world may lie within their own embattled family, they desperately attempt to unite the scientists with the unlikeliest of heroes: their ingenious, autistic son Terry (Rhett Giles).

Directed By: Justin Jones Genre: Sci-Fi / Thriller
Cast: Shirly Brener, Rhett Giles, Stephanie Jacobson,
Peter Jurasik, Randy Mulkey, Kristen Quintrall
Year of Production: 2010


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Quantum Apocalypse
Quantum Apocalypse (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: N/A
Run Time: N/A

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* black6q (Added movie on December 5, 2010)

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