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On The Down 'N' Low

Synopsis: For years we have heard about police officers going bad and turning into the same criminals they are sworn to protect us from. but why do they change sides, who corrupts them. Maybe it starts at the top and works its way down... and the real criminals are never caught. On the Down 'N' Low is the story of two good cops who hit the streets to uncover the mobs drug game and corruption that lies deep inside the police force.

Directed By: Andre Buckner Genre: Action
Cast: Andre Buckner, Vince Canlas,
Robert Gresham, Brian Wicker
Year of Production: 2003


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On the Down 'N Low
On the Down 'N Low (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Apr-20-2004
Run Time: 82 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on November 12, 2010)

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