Synopsis: In the highly anticipated prequel to the Emmy Award winning mini series, Lonesome Dove, Texas Ranger Augustus McCrae (Steve Zahn) and Woodraw F. Call (Karl Urban) are now young men dealing with the ever increasing tensions of adult life - Gus with his great love, Clara (Linda Cardellini), and Call with Maggie (Elizabeth Banks), the young prostitute who is in love with him.
McCrae and Call join a Ranger troop in pursuit of three outlaws: Comanche Chief Buffalo Hump (Wes Studi). Comanche horse thief Kicking Wolf (Johathan Joss) and Ahumado (Sal Lopez), the deadly Mexican bandit king with a penchant for slow torture. Together, they struggle to protect an advancing western frontier against the defiant Comanche's who are determined to defend their territory and their way of life.