Paul Wesley (The Vampire Diaries) stars as Aaron Corbett, a high school jock with a promising future. But on his 18th birthday, his life forever changes when his incredible powers emerge, revealing the terrifying truth of his identity. As The Redeemer, a half-angel, half-man who can return fallen angels to heaven, Aaron holds the entire world's destiny in his young hands. He must battle warrior seraphs and confront the fallen angel who has sparked his nightmares (Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad). But can he save himself and the girl he loves? Based on the bestselling book series, Fallen soars to new levels in the battle between good and evil.
Ekptotos angelos Greece, Fallen - Le néphilim France, Gefallene Engel Germany
Fallen (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: May-4-2010
Run Time: 247 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on May 4, 2010)
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