Pandas in the Wild
"Only about 1,600 Giant Pandas survive in the wild with 200 to 300 in China's mist-shrouded Quinling Mountains, which extend for thousands of miles and where few people gain permission to enter. Pandas in the wild captures the loving warmth between a mother panda and her newborn, the firece competition among male pandas fighting for females as spring approaches and the harsh struggles pandas endure to survive the snow-buried winter. It's a journey into a remote and exotic locale and an up-close look at the secret lives of these rare mammals--an intimate portrait of one of the world's most treasured animals. Smithsonian Networks captures the panda in its natural habitat for the first time, behaving in ways you won't see a the zoo"
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on January 28, 2010)
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