Across The Hall
In this tense, stylish noir thriller, Terry (Danny Pino, TV's Cold Case) follows his fiancee, June (Brittany Murphy, The Ramen Girl, 8 Mile), to a seedy hotel where she's meeting another man. Drunk and distraught, Terry calls best friend Julian (Mike Vogel, Cloverfield) and reveals that he's holed up across the hall from the lovers with a stolen gun and murder on his mind. A chilling cat-and-mouse game ensues, forcing Julian to risk his own life to keep his friend from doing the unthinkable.
Across the Hall (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Jan-19-2010
Run Time: 93 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on January 20, 2010)
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