The year: 2241. The transport vessel Pandora hurtles through space, bringing an alien energy source known as "Thanatos" to fuel-starved planet Earth. The Pandora's six-person crew is headed by Captain Holoway, a tough, no-nonsense woman, recently promoted after the untimely death of former captain, and her fiancee, Rubini. Some of the crew is suspicious of Thanatos, which almost seems to have a life of its own. A few thousand miles from Earth, the Pandora receives a distress signal from the Diana, a derelict spacecraft. Against the crew's wishes, Holloway decides to investigate.
IMDb movie information page
Plaguers (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Dec-8-2009
Run Time: 86 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on November 11, 2009)
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