Little Polar Bear, The
Based on the beloved children's books, The Little Polar Bear is a wondrous, warmhearted feature-length tale sparkling with snowbound adventure, breathtaking animation and a gentle message about accepting others - even if they're different! Lars is a young polar bear who finds the big, frosty world just a little overwhelming. Then he meets Robbie, who's funny, friendly...and a seal! Everyone, of course, knows that bears and seals can't be pals. Everyone but Lars and Robbie. Before long, their friendship helps all the other polar bears and seals learn to get along. But this new way of life is threatened when a huge, metallic "monster" sails into their world - and begins eating all their fish!
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on September 23, 2009)
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