Trap, The
Post-Milosevic Belgrade is the capital of a nation struggling to find its soul, of a country whose turbulence has left many in a moral and existential desert. This is the home of Mladen, his wife Marija and their son Nemanja. When Nemanja develops a serious heart condition, the doctors urge an expensive operation abroad. Just when the boy's parents give up hope of raising the money, a man contacts Mladen and offers to pay the whole amount; in exchange, he must kill the man's business rival. The proposal repulses Mladen, but as his son's condition suddenly deteriorates, he begins to seriously consider the offer. If he accepts, he saves his boy's life but loses his soul; if he refuses, he will grieve as a righteous man until the end of his life. The trap is set...
Trap, The (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Dec-2-2008
Run Time: 112 minutes
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* atomicthumbs (Added movie on July 21, 2009)
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