Whale Wars
Go deeper into the crises facing some of the world's most beloved mammals as the 7-part Animal Planet series, Whale Wars, comes to DVD! Compelling, intense and frequently death-defying, this unforgettable show captures the trials and tribulations of Captain Paul Watson, the founder of the Sea Shepard Conservation Society, and his dedicated crew as they put everything on the line to find dedicated crew as they put everything on the line to find and stop Japanese whaling ships in hostile waters. With international face-offs, capsizing and possible hostage-taking looming at the onset of each mission, it's a rare and gripping peek at the controversial lengths one group will go to save the gentle giants of the sea!

IMDb movie information page

Whale Wars (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Feb-10-2009
Run Time: 294 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on June 21, 2009)
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