T. Rex: Born To Boogie
Marc Bolan had the looks, style, and bearing of rock star, and T. Rex: Born To Boogie offers proof positive that he was just that. But comparing yourself to the Beatles doesn't make it so, even if you get Ringo Starr to produce, direct, and appear in your movie. In terms of the things that matter, like singing, guitar playing, and songwriting, Bolan (who died in 1977) fell a ways short. He was hugely popular for a year or two; he and his band T. Rex loved to rock, and they had some catchy, riff-based hits, like the infectious "Get it On (Bang a Gong)," performed at length here. Still, image, attitude, and lyrics like "I wanna call ya/I wanna ball ya") can only get you so far, even in the pop music world.
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* SirDonk (Added movie on March 22, 2009)
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