Synopsis: Wanting to start a fresh, Katrine moves from the province into a dormitory in Copenhagen and enrolls at the University. But when she crosses conniving Sanne by getting together with Sanne's ex, all hell breaks loose. Sanne and her friends try to bully Katrine out of the dormitory. They frighten her with an old myth surrounding the ghost of a former resident. Yet the myth very soon becomes a reality. By accident, Katrine sets the ghost free, who then starts a terrifyingly gruesome attack on the dormitory's residents. Only Katrine knows the fate of the remaining residents if she doesn't stop the actions of the ghost.
Region: 1
Released: Oct-14-2008
Run Time: 700 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on October 15, 2008)
* black6q (Updated movie on September 18, 2009)