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Orloff And The Invisible Man

Synopsis: One rainy night, Dr. Garondet (F. Valladares) is summoned to the castle of Professor Orloff, but it is not an easy trip - local peasants won't direct him there, and when he finally locates a willing coachman, his horse refuses to venture beyond a certain point! Making it to the castle on foot, the good doctor encounters even more obstacles until he meets Cecile (Brigitte Carva), Orloff's daughter, a seemingly deranged girl who is convinced that an invisible phantom is at large on the premises. A surprisingly urbane man, Orloff (Howard Vernon) explains the story behind Cecille's insanity - a story involving premature burial, grave robbing and flagellation - but as Garondet spends an uneasy night at the castle, he finds himself sharing in Cecile's delusions...

Directed By: Pierre Chevalier Genre: Classic / Horror
Cast: Brigitte Carva, Isabel Del Rio,
Fernando Sancho, Howard Vernon
Year of Production: 1970


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Orloff and the Invisible Man
Orloff and the Invisible Man (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Apr-10-2001
Run Time: 76 minutes

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* black6q (Added movie on July 21, 2008)

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