Ghostbusters II
This supernatural sequel returns to the crew of paranormal-pursuing misfits, who are now living on hard times doing kids' parties and hosting a local cable TV show. But they're called back into service when a tyrannical 16th century ghost wants the baby of one the buster's and a river of malevolent sludge is amassing under the city.
Ghostbusters 2
IMDb movie information page
Ghostbusters II (DVD, PG)
Region: 1
Released: Dec-11-2001
Run Time: 110 minutes
Average Rating:
(2 votes)
Ghostbusters II (DVD, PG)
Region: 2
Released: Dec-11-2001
Run Time: 108 minutes
Ghostbusters II (DVD, PG)
Region: 4
Released: Oct-18-1999
Run Time: 103 minutes