Paradise Texas
In this heartwarming journey through rural Texas, Hollywood actor Mack Cameron (Timothy Bottoms) meets CJ Kinney (Ben Estus), a small-town boy with big-time dreams. When they're cast together in a local independent film, these seemingly different characters learn they have worlds in common. Passionate about dancing and acting, 10-year-old CJ must shake off his father's plans for the future, while Mack struggles to salvage the family life his Hollywood career has torn apart. As Mack shows CJ the acting ropes, can the boy help Mack rediscover his own dreams? Starring Timothy Bottoms, Meredith Baxter, Polly Bergen, Rider Strong and Sheryl Lee, Paradise Texas proves it's never too late to be what you might have been.
IMDb movie information page
Paradise, Texas (DVD, PG)
Region: 1
Released: Dec-26-2007
Run Time: 90 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on December 29, 2007)
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