Robson Arms
Robson Arms is a half-hour dramedy series that follows the lives of the tenants in a once-grand low-rise in Vancouvers eclectic West End. Robson Arms is about community and all the word implies: people sharing a space and place; sometimes connected, sometimes occupying different worlds. All of the tenants are stuck at some crossroads in their lives, each in their own unique way in a job, in a relationship, in time, or in a headspace. They do not know it yet, but their time in this building eventually changes them moves them forward, moves them back, denies their wishes, or grants their dreams.
Directed By: |
James Dunnison, Kevin Fair, Jason Furukawa, James Genn, Gary Harvey, Monika Mitchell, Tony Dean Smith |
Genre: |
Comedy / Drama |
Cast: |
John Cassini, Jason Dedrick, Alisen Down, Fred Ewanuick, Gabrielle Miller,
Terry David Mulligan, Zak Santiago, Tom Saunders, Helena Yea |
Year of Production: |
2004 |
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on October 24, 2007)
* SirDonk (Updated movie on February 6, 2009)
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