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Flash Gordon's Trip To Mars

Synopsis: Life on Earth is about to be destroyed! A mysterious beam of light -- emanating from Mars -- is sucking the nitrogen from the planet's atmosphere, and only Flash Gordon ("Buster" Crabbe) can stop it. Blasting off with Dale Arden (Jean Rogers) and Dr. Hans Zarkov (Frank Shannon), Flash and his intrepid band of adventurers quickly learn that Queen Azura (Beatrice Roberts), ruler of Mars, is stealing Earth's nitrogen to aid in her ongoing war with the Clay People. They are martians whom Azura magically turned into living mud. A bigger surprise, however, is yet to come...working closely with the Queen is Flash's mortal enemy, Ming the Merciless (Charles Middleton), who -- while posing as Azura's ally -- is secretly plotting to overthrow the Queen and seize Mars for himself!

Directed By: Ford Beebe, Robert F. Hill Genre: Action / Classic / Sci-Fi
Cast: Buster Crabbe, Charles Middleton, Beatrice Roberts,
Jean Rogers, Frank Shannon, C. Montague Shaw
Year of Production: 1938


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Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars
Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Mar-28-2000
Run Time: 299 minutes

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* black6q (Added movie on September 24, 2007)

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