X: The Movie
At the millennial edge, the concluding battle for humanity's future is staged. Kamui Shirou's destiny has been decided as he returns to Tokyo to face his ultimate challenge. The Dragons of Heaven, defenders of the Earth, stand ready to protect the world from the Dragons of Earth, the seven angels of legend, who embrace the devastation of the planet to bring about its purification. Now Kamui must decide which side to fight for. Realizing that his two childhood friends, Fuuma and Kotori Monou are in grievous peril, Kamul decides to step into his fated position in the climactic struggle of the Year of Destiny: 1999.
X - The Movie (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Sep-25-2001
Run Time: 100 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on July 12, 2007)
* black6q (Updated movie on January 31, 2011)
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