Birdman And The Galaxy Trio
The Cartoon Network`s HARVEY BIRDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW is a popular spinoff from this Hanna-Barbera series, which originally aired in 1967. Each show focuses on the exploits of either Birdman, a government agent who fights evildoers with his super powers, or the Galaxy Trio, three aliens who battle crime in outer space. Birdman and the Galaxy Trio never appear in the same episodes together, making for an odd format. But the show triumphed, running on NBC for three successful seasons before coming to a close in 1969. This release is undoubtedly inspired by the success of the Cartoon Network`s postmodern rendering of the Harvey Birdman character, and is sure to delight cartoon enthusiasts.
IMDb movie information page
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* coolguydude_25 (Added movie on July 9, 2007)
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