Robot Jox
Directed by Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator), Robot Jox reveals a world where nations settle their territorial disputes by a single combat between two giant machines. Piloted by national heroes Achilles (Gary Graham, TV's Alien Nation) and Alexander (Paul Koslo, Shadowchaser), the robots meet in Death Valley to fight for the greatest prize of all: Alaska. But when Achilles' machine crushes 300 spectators, the match ends in a draw. Refusing to face Alexander in a rematch, Achilles is replaced by Athena (Anne-Marie Johnson, TV's Melrose Place), a genetically-engineered combat fighter. So when the GenJox is nearly killed and the game is forfeited, Achilles avenges their honor by challenging Alexander to a winner-take-all death match, in this heavy-metal, sci-fi adventure.
Robot Jox (DVD, PG)
Region: 1
Released: Oct-4-2005
Run Time: 85 minutes
Robot Jox [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray Disc, PG)
Region: A (Blu-ray)
Released: Jul-7-2015
Run Time: 85 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on June 28, 2007)
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