One Day at a Time
This sitcom follows recently divorced mother (Ann Romano) and her two teenage daughters (Barbara and Julie) as they start a new life together in Indianapolis, They are befriended by the building superintendent (Dwayne Schneider), who treats them like family. Together, these four main characters face life's challenges together
Directed By: |
Norman Campbell, Hal Cooper, Selig Frank, Howard Morris, Noam Pitlik, Don Richardson, John Robins |
Genre: |
Comedy |
Cast: |
Valerie Bertinelli, Joseph Campanella, William Kirby Cullen, Bonnie Franklin,
Jim Hutton, Pat Harrington Jr., Derrel Maury, Mackenzie Phillips |
Year of Production: |
1975 |
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* coolguydude_25 (Added movie on April 2, 2007)
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