Jean De Florette
Set amidst the rugged hills of Provence, this epic saga follows the heroic efforts of Jean Cadoret (Depardieu), who inherits a farm from his mother, Florette, and leaves his city job behind, hoping to create a "new Eden" with his wife and daughter. But, unbeknownst to Jean, his greedy neighbor, Cesar Soubeyran (Montand), is plotting to steal the land out from under him. With the help of a corrupt nephew (Daniel Auteuil), the clannish villagers and the added effects of a severe drought, Cesar hatches a wicked scheme that drives Jean to the brink of madness.
Jean De Florette (DVD, PG)
Region: 1
Released: Jan-23-2001
Run Time: 121 minutes
Jean de Florette (DVD, PG)
Region: Free
Released: Feb-11-2004
Run Time: 115 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on March 29, 2007)
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