Allen Iverson - The Answer
Wildly exciting as a collection of great NBA moments, Allen Iverson: The Answer is a gift to average-size couch potatoes everywhere. Philadelphia 76ers guard Allen Iverson--a 6-foot-tall, 160-pound star in a professional sport where gigantism is the norm--is the worthy subject of this NBA Entertainment tribute. If it isn't exactly penetrating as journalism (Iverson's pre-college problems with the law receive little more than a murky allusion), it's certainly fun as an unabashed valentine, full of thrilling clips. The Answer is most entertaining covering Iverson's brief basketball career at Georgetown, through his conflicts with Sixers coach Larry Brown and beyond. While there's a sprinkling of talking heads in
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on March 19, 2007)
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