In the year 1980 the Earth is threatened by an alien race who kidnap and kill humans and use them for body parts. A highly secret military organization is set up in the hope of defending the Earth from this alien threat. This organization is named SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organization) operates (from a secret location beneath a film studio) a fleet of submarines and have a base on the moon as well as an early warning satellite that detects inbound UFOs.
Directed By: |
Gerry Anderson, Cyril Frankel, David Lane, Alan Perry, David Tomblin, Ken Turner |
Genre: |
Action / Cult / Sci-Fi |
Cast: |
Keith Alexander, Michael Billington, Ed Bishop, Ayshea Brough,
Antonia Ellis, Dolores Mantez, Mel Oxley, George Sewell |
Year of Production: |
1970 |
UFO: Set #1 (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Jul-30-2002
Run Time: 676 minutes
UFO: Set #2 (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Jan-28-2003
Run Time: 676 minutes
UFO-Volume 1 (DVD, M)
Region: 4
Released: Mar-1-2006
Run Time: N/A
UFO: Shado ruft Sovatex (DVD, FSK 12)
Region: Free
Released: Jan-1-2003
Run Time: 48 minutes
Average Rating:
(1 vote)
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* jm_beaubourg (Added movie on March 16, 2007)
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