French and Saunders
This BBC comedy skit show is the brainchild of longtime comedy duo Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders. Each episode would feature satire on British life, television, and parodies on big box office films such as Batman Forever and Pulp Fiction. The duo also invited notable Brits such as Patsy Kensit, Lulu, and Kate Moss.
Directed By: |
Steve Bendelack, John Birkin, Kevin Bishop, Ed Bye, Gareth Carrivick, Tristram Shapeero, Bob Spiers, Nick Wood, Edgar Wright |
Genre: |
Comedy |
Cast: |
Kathy Burke, Dawn French, Derek Lyons,
Rowland Rivron, Jennifer Saunders, Harriet Thorpe |
Year of Production: |
1987 |
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* aslovacek (Added movie on January 11, 2007)
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