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Reptile, The

Synopsis: When his brother Charles Spalding (David Baron) mysteriously dies, Harry Spalding (Ray Barrett) and his wife Valerie (Jennifer Daniel) decide to move to the inherited cottage in a small village in the country. They are coldly received by the locals, with the exception of the bartender and owner of a pub Tom Bailey (Michael Ripper), who welcome them. His weird neighbor Dr. Franklyn (Noel Willman), who lives with his beautiful daughter Anna (Jacqueline Pearce), tries to persuade them to sell the house and leave the place, but the couple decides to stay. Harry and Valerie find that the locals are being killed by some snake and they feel threatened. When Anna asks for help and they trespass Dr. Franklyn's house, they find the horrible truth hidden in the place.

Directed By: John Gilling Genre: Horror
Cast: Ray Barrett, Jennifer Daniel, Jacqueline Pearce,
Michael Ripper, Noel Willman
Year of Production: 1966


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Reptile, The
Reptile, The (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Nov-16-1999
Run Time: 91 minutes
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Reptile, The
Reptile, The (DVD, PG)

Region: 4
Released: Sep-8-2004
Run Time: 86 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Chizzmo (Added movie on December 23, 2006)

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