Uzumaki Naruto is a lonesome young boy from the Hidden Leaf Village, a town with several young ninja-in-training who aspire to reach the village's one-of-a-kind highest ninja rank, the Hokage. Naruto's not the most respected fellow in the village; ever since a deadly fox-demon was sealed inside him when he was a baby, he's had a penchant for mischief that doesn't help his lack of talent in ninjutsu... but all Naruto really wants is some attention and respect. Accompanied by his secret crush Sakura, his skilled rival Sasuke, and his mentor Kakashi, Naruto will have to overcome many challenges as he comes of age and pursues his dream of becoming the Hokage.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on July 2, 2006)
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