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Star Wars Trilogy (Widescreen) - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Star Wars Trilogy (Widescreen) (DVD, Region 1).

Star Wars Trilogy (Widescreen)

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Alternative Menus

During the FBI warning press any number from 1 through 4 on your remote to change the menu's opening and background.

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Satelk


On the Bonus Disc, go to "Video Game & Still Galleries" page. Using the remote press 11 (or 10+ and 1), wait for the pause, press 3, wait again and then press 8.

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Satelk

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

General goofiness

There are multiple ways to get to this easter egg. This way is the easiest I know. Go to the documentary and select scene. Choose 4 ANH when it starts up then press the skip back button on your remote and it starts the gag reel.

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by phat_tonyca


On the Bonus Disc, go to Video game & Still galleries page. Using the remote press 11 or 10+,1, wait for the pause,3 wait again & then 8

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by phat_tonyca


Hidden Revenge of the Jedi Trailer: Insert the 'Bonus Materials' disc and access the 'Trailers' option. Once there, highlight Return of the Jedi and press UP. Where it once said "Trailer" it will now read, "Revenge Trailer". Select it to reveal the unused teaser trailer for "Revenge of the Jedi", which was eventually renamed Return of the Jedi!

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by phat_tonyca

Alternate Versions

Just like the with both Episodes One & Two, during the FBI warning press any number 1 through 4 on your remote and change menu opening and background.

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by phat_tonyca

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