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Moulin Rouge - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Moulin Rouge (DVD, Region 4).

Moulin Rouge

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Bonus Clips:

Disc 2: On the first menu, highlight "The Cutting Room" and press your Enter button. Press your Down button three times to highlight "Main Menu". Then press your Left button button, and a red windmill will appear. Press your Enter button to see what appears to be an outtake of the scene where Ewan McGregor sings "Your Song"

Bonus Clips:

On the first menu, highlight "More" and press your Enter button. Press your Down button four times to highlight from the "Back", then press your Right button. A red fairy will appear. Press your Enter button to see Jim Broadbent in character as Zidler in what appears to be an outtake of him prancing around to the tune of "Cancan".

Bonus Clips:

On the first menu, highlight "More" and press your Enter button, leading to the second page of the main menu, where "The Dance" is highlighted. Press your Enter button, leading to another menu where "The Dance" is again highlighted, this time in red letters. Again press your Enter button, leading to a menu where "A Word from Baz" is highlighted in the upper left of the screen. Press the right arrow and a green fairy will appear. Then press your Enter button to see Baz Luhrmann, presumably at a rehearsal, apparently describing to some performers their motivation for the Tango sequence.

Bonus Clips:

On the first menu, highlight "The Stars", press your Enter button and wait for the montage of shots of Kidman and McGregor to run to its end. You will be at a menu that has "Satine" on the left of the screen and "Christian" on the right. Press the button on the remote labeled 9, then press your Enter button. Next, you need to enter 17 on the remote. On some remotes, you can simply press the button on the remote labeled 1, followed by the button labeled 7. On other remotes, you may need to press some other key to indicate that you're entering a two-digit number. In any event, once you've entered 17 on the remote, press your Enter button (although some systems may not require the Enter button to be pressed here). You will see Luhrmann presiding over a farewell to McGregor, presumably when he has finished principal shooting.

Bonus Clips:

On the first menu, select "More", then on the second page of the main menu choose "The Design". press your Down button once to highlight "Set Design" and press your Enter button. press your Down button three times to highlight "Spectacular Spectacular" and press your Enter button. You'll see some instructions on the screen about pressing special buttons on the remote to navigate through the frames. Press twice the button recommended there to step forward and you will arrive at a screen containing the words "Spectacular Spectacular" set against a blue sky. Press your Up button, and when a green fairy appears, press your Enter button. You will see Luhrmann claiming that he is about to reveal the magic of ADR.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design". press your Down button three times to highlight "Costume Design" and press your Enter button. "A Courtesan's Wardrobe" will be highlighted". Press your Enter button. Press the button recommended to step forward four times. Then press your Up button and when the green fairy appears, press your Enter button. You will see Kidman and McGregor in what appears to be an outtake where McGregor has a microphone problem.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design". While looking at the screen that has "The Design!" in big red letters at the top, punch in the two-digit number 18 on the remote, then press your Enter button. Then enter the two-digit number 99 on the remote, then press your Enter button. You will see some bare nipples being dusted with something, presumably some sort of makeup. (But don't get your hopes up that you'll see something sexually provocative.)

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "Marketing". press your Down button to highlight "Photo Gallery", then press your Enter button. press your Down button to highlight "Mary Ellen Mark" and press your Right button button. When the red windmill appears, press your Enter button to see John Leguizamo in some sort of a test.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design". Then press your Down button once and choose "Set Design". Again press your Down button once and choose "The Gothic Tower". Press the button recommended to step forward five times. Press your Up button, and when the red windmill appears, press your Enter button. You'll see Kidman in street clothes and wearing eyeglasses, apparently rehearsing for a scene.

Bonus Clips:

From the first page of the main menu, choose "The Story Is About …". Highlight "3. Old Storylines & script comparisons" and press your Enter button. Then press your Down button four times to highlight the word "return". Press the right arrow and when the green fairy appears, press your Enter button. You'll see Luhrmann and co-writer Craig Pearce kidding around.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design". Then press your Down button three times and choose "Costume Design". Again press your Down button twice and choose "The Bohemians". Press the button recommended to step forward five times. Press your Up button, and when the red windmill appears, press your Enter button. You'll see McGregor, Leguizamo, and others in a kick line as "Cancan" plays in the background.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Design". Then press your Down button five times and choose "Smoke and Mirrors". A screen will appear where "The Evolution of the Intro" is highlighted. Press the button on the remote labeled 5, then press your Enter button. Then punch in the two-digit number 18 on the remote, followed by the Enter button. You will seen how the scene in the movie when the formally attired men in the Moulin Rouge throw their top hats into the air is done.

Bonus Clips:

From the first page of the main menu, choose "The Stars". Wait for the montage of shots of Kidman and McGregor to run to its end, then highlight "More" and press your Enter button. You will be taken to a screen where "John Leguizamo as Toulouse Lautrec" is highlighted. Press your Up button, and when the green fairy appears, press your Enter button. You will see what is presumably a costume test of Leguizamo dressed as a sitar.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Dance". From the next menu, choose "Choreography", which will take you to a menu that offers the choices "Interview", "Rehearsals", and "Main Menu". press your Down button twice to highlight "Main Menu". Then press your Right button and when the red windmill appears, press your Enter button. You will see Luhrmann prancing around on the set, probably attempting to give some guidance as to how he would like certain movements to look.

Bonus Clips:

From the second page of the main menu, choose "The Music". From the next menu, choose "The Lady Marmalade Phenomenon". Then press your Down button twice to highlight "Main Menu". Press the right arrow, and when the red windmill appears, press your Enter button to see Luhrmann and another man riding in an automobile.

All easter eggs were generously submitted by SirDonk

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