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Transformers: The Movie - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Transformers: The Movie (DVD, Region 1).

Transformers: The Movie

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Promo by Flint Dille

Go to set-up Highlight "English 2.0 Stereo" Press right to highlight the play button on Soundwave Select to watch a promo by Flint Dille, Nelson Shin, and Susan Blu that was done for Comic-Con 2006.

Japanese Commercials:

Insert the first disc of the DVD set in your player and on the Main Menu, keep pressing the 'Left' directional key on your remote control until either of the alternating Autobot or Decepticon symbols are highlighted. Then press the 'Enter' key for a chance to watch three of the original Japanese 'Diaclone' commercials.

Vintage Commercial:

Insert the second disc in your player and on the Main Menu highlight the menu entry 'Bonus Features.' Press the 'Right' arrow key on your remote control now to highlight either of the alternating Autobot or Decepticon symbols at the top of the screen. Now press 'Enter' and you will be treated to a Hasbro toy commercial.

Vintage Commercial 2:

Now go back to the 'Bonus Features' section and highlight the menu entry 'Activate Autobot City (DVD-ROM).' Press the 'Left' arrow key on your remote control to highlight a Decepticon symbol and then press 'enter' to see a vintage Light-Brite commercial.

All easter eggs were generously submitted by SirDonk

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