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Rundown, The (Fullscreen) - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Rundown, The (Fullscreen) (DVD, Region 1).

Rundown, The (Fullscreen)

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Gun Sequence Featurette

On the Main Menu, there's some kind of "gold flame" above the first line. Click it to reveal a very short featurette on the gun sequence. (When The Rock just gets to Walken's city). They show the scene in normal speed and the explanation, and then they show it in fast motion (the way The Rocks's character sees it when he realizes, quicky, that they have the guns in that small shack).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Satelk

Behind the Scenes

Both times go to Scene Selection: 1.) go to 1-4 and press down, left, right --> The Rock talks about Christopher Walken 2.) go to 9-12 and press 3 times down --> Rosario Dawson talks about her role

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by phat_tonyca

Schwarzenegger's cameo

*PC required* From the second page of the "Bonus Materials" menu, select "DVD-ROM Features". Once in, press "1" and hit enter to highlight a flame. Hit enter to watch the Rock explain how Arnold Schwarzenegger's cameo in the movie came to be (0:41).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

Bull stampede

*PC required* From the first page of the "Cast and Filmmakers" section, select the Rock's entry and find the third page of his biography. Once there, press "7" and hit enter to highlight a flame. Hit enter to watch the Rock talk about the stampede of bulls featured in the film (0:56).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

Sean William Scott's Identity Films

*PC required* From the first page of the "Cast and Filmmakers" section, select Seann William Scott's entry and find the fourth page of his biography. Once there, press "4" and hit enter to watch a clip of Scott talk about Identity Films, his own movie production company (0:34).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

Rock jokes about Walken

*PC required* From the first page of the "Cast and Filmmakers" section, select Christopher Walken's entry and find the fifth page of his entry (which is the first filmography page). Once there, press "9" and hit enter to highlight "The Rundown" in the filmography list. Hit enter to watch the Rock gush and joke about Walken (1:06).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

The Taurus sign

From the first page of the "Cast and Filmmakers" section, select Rosario Dawson's entry. Once in, press left to highlight Dawson's name from within her biography. Hit enter to watch Dawson talk about the Taurus sign (0:33).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

Dawson's balancing act

*PC required* While in Dawson's entry, navigate to the last page (a.k.a. the eighth page). Once there, press "3" and hit enter to highlight a flame above "Cast". Hit enter to watch Dawson talk about balancing the various aspects of her character (1:00).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

Creating CGI whips

*PC required* From the second page of the "Cast and Filmmakers" section, press "5" and hit enter. A flame will now appear to the right of "Vince McMahon". Click on it to see how CGI whips were created for one of the film's final fights (1:14).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

Weird things on the set

*PC required* From the second page of the "Cast and Filmmakers" section, select James Vanderbilt's entry and navigate to the second page. Once there, press "8" and hit enter to highlight a flame in the lower right corner of the screen. Hit enter to watch Seann William Scott talk about the weird things that happened on the movie set (0:56).

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Leburn

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