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Rundown, The (Widescreen) - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Rundown, The (Widescreen) (DVD, Region 1).

Rundown, The (Widescreen)

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sean william scott talks about training

go into bonus materials, go to the second page of the bonus materials and highlight cast and film makers press left on your remote youll see a little flame icon appear click enter or ok and youll see sean william scott talk about training with the rock

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

scene breakdown of ax throw

again go to bonus materails, go to second page but this time highlight cast and film makers and click on it high light cristopher walken and press left on remote again youll see a little flame icon click on it and youll see a breakdown of the scene where manito throws a hatchet right past the rocks head

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

rock talking about peter berg

once more go to bonus materails go to second page click on cast and film makers go to second page youll see peter bergs name highlight it and press left youll see the rock talking about a scene that peter berg wanted to shoot its pretty funny

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

more scene breakdowns

At the "main menu" if you will or root menu highlight scenes and press up the little flame icon will appear press enter you will see more scene breakdowns and the breakdown of the rocks crazy views in the movie.

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

Seann gets in shape

*First, access the "Bonus Materials" menu. From there, navigate to the second page of features. While there, highlight "Cast and Crew Bios" and press Left on your remote, TWICE. Some flames in the background should light up. Click on them and you'll get a short interview clip of Seann William Scott explaining how The Rock was his inspiration to get in shape.

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

How to throw an axe at The Rock

First, access the Bonus materials menu. Next, naviagate to the second page of features. Click on "Cast and Crew Bios". On this menu, highlight "Christopher Walken" and press Left. Some flames should appear. Click on them to see a special FX breakdown of The Rock having an axe thrown at his head!

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

Hidden menu feature

In the main menu go up to scene selections and a little shooter thing will appear beside it. Then go up and there will be a flame. Click on the flame to see The Rock vision!

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by Jack Straw

Behind the Scenes

Both times go to Scene Selection: 1.) go to 1-4 and press down, left, right --> The Rock talks about Christopher Walken 2.) go to 9-12 and press 3 times down --> Rosario Dawson talks about her role

This easter egg was generously submitted/corrected by phat_tonyca

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