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Ravenous - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Ravenous (DVD, Region 1).


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1846 Trail of the Donner Party

Select the 'Extra Features' option from the Main Menu. Highlight the 'Movie Stills' option, then press UP to highlight the crossed fork and knife. Press ENTER to select it and view an interactive map of the Donner Party's trail.

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

DVD Credits (egg-within-an-egg)

Navigate westward (pressing LEFT) along the 1846 Trail of the Donner Party (easter egg). At Fort Bridges a pentacle will illuminate; press UP to highlight a crossed knife and fork. Press ENTER to select it and reveal the DVD credits.

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

Jerky Treats (egg-within-an-egg)

Navigate westward (by pressing LEFT) along the 1846 Trail of the Donner Party (easter egg). When the "Donner Camp" appears at Truckee Lake, press UP to highlight a crossed knife and fork. Press ENTER to select them and reveal a slyly hilarious advertisement for Jerky Treats.

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

All easter eggs were generously submitted by Satelk

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