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Masters of Horror: John Landis - Deer Woman - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Masters of Horror: John Landis - Deer Woman (DVD, Region 1).

Masters of Horror: John Landis - Deer Woman

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Web Site Exclusive:

On the DVD's Main Menu highlight the menu entry 'Play' and the press the 'Right' arrow key on your remote control. This will make a Masters Of Horror skull appear. Press the 'Enter' key now and you will find another secret code - 52634 - that will unlock some extra content on the Masters Of Horror website.

Behind the Scenes:

Go to the 'Audio Setup' section of the disc. Highlight the entry 'Main Menu' and then press the 'Right' arrow key to highlight another skull. This will give you access to a clip featuring stunt coordinator Jim Dunn as he discusses one of the film's stunts.


Go to the 'Extras' submenu from the Main Menu and there select the menu entry 'Featurettes.' On the next menu screen highlight the entry 'Main Menu' and then press the 'Right' arrow key to highlight another skull. This will give you access to a clip as Rick Baker discusses the infamous 'See you next Wednesday' line that has dominated director John Landis' entire career.


On the 'Extras' submenu, select the menu entry 'Trailers.' On the next menu screen highlight the entry 'Main Menu' and then press the 'Right' arrow key to highlight another skull. Now you will have the chance to see some bloopers from the film.

All easter eggs were generously submitted by SirDonk

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