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Saw (Uncut Edition) - Easter Eggs

This page contains easter eggs for the disc Saw (Uncut Edition) (DVD, Region 1).

Saw (Uncut Edition)

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Puppet featurette

Go to dissection menu. go to menu and press right and a picture of a puppet on a trike appears. press enter to see cast views on billie the puppet.

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

Saw in 60 seconds

On second disc go to cut media menu. go to the safe and push left once and the chain on the wall will highlight. push up and an "x" will appear. push enter to watch saw in 60 seconds

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

Saw in 60 Seconds: Take 2

On disc 1 go into "Pieces of the puzzle" (scene selection) and go to the scene "The Garage" highlight that scene, and press down on the remote. The soap dispenser should now turn red. Hit enter to view "See Saw in 60 Seconds Take 2."

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

Saw in 60 Seconds: Take 3

On Disc 1, go into "Sounds", then "Audio Commentaries" once in that menu, keep pushing left on the remote until one of the X's on the wall lights up. Hit enter to view "See Saw in 60 Seconds Take 3."

Easter Egg Rating: 100 %
1 person has confirmed that this easter egg is valid, while no one has confirmed that this easter egg is invalid.

All easter eggs were generously submitted by arizona1121

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