Pokemon Diamond & Pearl - DVD Comparison
This page allows you to compare two different DVD editions for the movie "Pokemon Diamond & Pearl". The different editions are also listed below and can be viewed separately.
List of Editions: Pokemon Dp Galactic Battles 3 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon Dp Galactic Battles 5-6 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon DP Galactic Battles: 2 (DVD, Region 1)
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl Box Set 1 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl Galactic Battles 1 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl Galactic Battles Gift 2 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl Vol. 1 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl Vol. 2 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Box 3 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vol. 1 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vol. 2 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vol. 3 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vol. 4 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vol. 6 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vols. 1 & 2 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vols. 3 & 4 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension: 5 (DVD, Region 1)
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Box Set, Vol. 2 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Box Set, Vol. 3 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond And Pearl Galactic Battles 1 (DVD, Region 1)
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl, Vol. 3 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl, Vol. 4 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl, Vol. 5 (DVD, Region 1) 
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl, Vol. 6 (DVD, Region 1) 