American Heritage Series, The - DVD Comparison
This page allows you to compare two different DVD editions for the movie "American Heritage Series, The". The different editions are also listed below and can be viewed separately.
List of Editions: American Heritage Series #4: Church State & the Real 1st Amendment Parts 1&2 (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series #5: Influence of the Bible, How Pastors Shaped Our Independence Parts 1&2 (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, The (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 10: The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values, The Duty of a Free Citizen (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 1: Why History Matters/Unearthing America's Christian Foundations (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 2: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers, Parts 1 & 2 (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 3: The Ideas that Birthed a Nation, Our Biblical Constitution, Is America a Christian Nation? (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 6: When Religion was Culture, Faith in Our Early Courts, Myths of the Judiciary (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 7: Evidence of America's Spiritual Heritage, Parts 1-3 (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 8: Four Centuries of American Education Parts 1&2, The (DVD, Region 1)
American Heritage Series, Vol. 9: Great Black Patriots, From Bondage to the Halls of Congress, The Civil Rights Movement (DVD, Region 1)