In Search of History - DVD Comparison
This page allows you to compare two different DVD editions for the movie "In Search of History". The different editions are also listed below and can be viewed separately.
List of Editions: In Search of History: A Deadly Deception (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Art Of Tattooing (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Boy Who Gave Away the Bomb (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Captives (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Cavemen (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Death Cult Of The Incas (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Dragons (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Forgotten City Of The Jungle (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Forgotten Wars (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Fountain Of Youth (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Frontier Doctors (DVD, Region 1)
In Search of History: Hell's Angels (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Holy Grail (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Infamous Dreyfus Affair (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Legends of the Werewolves (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Loch Ness Monster (DVD, Region 1)
In Search of History: Lost City of the Incas (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Lourdes - Shrine Of Miracles (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Mormon Rebellion (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Mystic Ruins (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Navajo Code Talkers (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Pompeii (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Prophecies (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Pueblo Cliffdwellers (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Quantrill's Raiders (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Ramses The Great (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Salem Witch Trials (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Scourge of the Black Death (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Spies Among Us (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Abominable Snowman (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Aztec Empire (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Great Wall (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Greek Gods (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Knights of Camelot (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Knights Templar (History Channel) (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Monkey Trial (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: The Night Tulsa Burned (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: True Story Of Sacco And Vanzetti (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: True Story Of The Molly Maguires (DVD, Region 1) 
In Search of History: Viking Explorers (DVD, Region 1)
In Search of History: World Series Fix! The Black Sox Scandal (DVD, Region 1) 