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Guilt of Janet Ames, The

Guilt of Janet Ames, The Cover

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DVD Region 1 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 1.33:1 (4:3 Fullscreen) NTSC Add to Collection Add to Wishlist View Images for this disc


Synopsis: War widow Janet Ames is struck by a car, and later her doctors suspect she may have been attempting suicide. A note in her pocket lists five men whom her husband died saving in battle, and they are contacted to help Janet's recovery. The first man on the list, jaded reporter Smitty Cobb, is offended when Janet says she hopes to prove her husband died in vain to save five worthless men, and offers to "introduce" Janet to each of the men through hypnotism.

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Directed By: Henry Levin
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Cast: Betsy Blair
Sid Caesar
Charles Cane
Melvyn Douglas
Nina Foch
Rosalind Russell
Genre: Drama / Mystery /
Running Time: 83 minutes
Year of Production: 1947
Disc Release Date: August 16, 2010


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Extra Features:

This edition does not have any extra features

Disc Information:

Disc: Type:
1: Single Sided, Dual Layer

Disc Audio Information:

Track: Language: Details:
1: English Dolby Digital 2.0 (Mono)

Disc Subtitle Information:

None Available

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The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* LegoGuy02 (Added movie on April 26, 2024)

The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* LegoGuy02 (Added disc on April 27, 2024)

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