Synopsis: A girl named Sophie encounters the Big Friendly Giant who, despite his intimidating appearance, turns out to be a kind-hearted soul who is considered an outcast by the other giants because, unlike them, he refuses to eat children.
Bringing The BFG to Life - Take a Phizz-Whizzing journey through the making of the Movie with Ruby Barnhill.
The BIg Friendly Giant and Me - An Animated Short about the Friendship between the BFG and the Little \"Bean\" who Lived in Giant Country Before Sophie.
Gobblefunk: The Wonderful Words of The BFG - A Whoopsey-Spunkers Tutorial on the BFG\'s Gloriumptious Gooblefunk.
Melissa Mathison: A Tribute
Giants 101 - Meet the Frightsome Giants Portrayed by Actors Jemaine Clement, Bill Hader and More.