DVD Index - C

DVD Index - C

Below is an index of DVDs in our database. Click here for a list of movies.

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Charlie Rose with Ben Brantley & John Simon; Ariel Dorfman (June 1, 2001) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Ben Brantley; Anthony Sher, Deborah Findlay & Anne Chancellor; Jonathan Reynolds; Horton Foote (April 3, 1997) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Ben Carson; Placido Domingo (October 16, 2002) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Ben Kingsley; Elvis Costello & Anne Sofie von Otter (July 3, 2001) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Benazir Bhutto; John Updike; Bell Hooks (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Benjamin Netanyahu; David Gates, Paul Gray & Sybil Steinberg (July 11, 1996) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Benjamin Netanyahu; Michael Eisner (September 24, 1998) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bennett LeBow; Mike Leigh; Morgan Entrekin & Robert Wilson (August 4, 1997) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bennett Miller; Eric Stange, Ben Loeterman & Deborah Acklin; Elaine Stritch (January 17,2006) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard Haykel, Louise Richardson & Shibley Telhami; Tom Wolfe. (November 10, 2004) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard Kerik; Hubert Vedrine (November 14, 2001) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard Kouchner; Orson Swindle, David Berlind, Brad Smith & Joe Barrett (June 27, 2003) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard Kouchner; Peter King (September 9, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard Lewis (April 18, 2002) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard Lewis; Klaus Schwab; Michael Hebron (December 20, 2001) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard-Henri Levy; Hugh Jackman & Renee Fleming (December 5, 2003) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard-Henri Levy; Pascal Bruckner & Dominique Moisi; Emmanuel Todd (April 29, 2003) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bernard-Henri Levy; Ron Wyden (January 27, 2006) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bertrand Piccard & Brian Jones; Wynton Marsalis & Kurt Masur; Geraldine Laybourne (April 9, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bette Midler (July 7, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bette Midler (March 3, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Betty Friedan; P.D. James; Francine Prose (May 19, 2000) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Beverly Sills (April 29, 2002) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Blakemore & David France; Joe Klein; Ryan Adams (April 24, 2002) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Blakemore, Alessio Vinci, Walter Modrys & Joseph Koterski; Shimon Peres (April 8, 2005) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Bradley; Alan Brinkley; Rory Kennedy & Vanessa Vadim (April 12, 1995) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Bradley; Joe McGill & Leonard Weinglass; Lynn Sherr (August 17, 1995) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Bradley; Luc Montagnier; Annette Gordon-Reed (July 10, 1997) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Bradley; Peter Mandelson (December 14, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Buford (June 23, 2006) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Carter, Johnnie Roberts, Javier Solana, and Joe Klein (May 3, 2000) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Clinton (June 23, 2004) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Clinton, Bruce Springsteen, Toni Morrison, Sophia Loren, Arthur Wheelock, Jr. (December 30, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Clinton; Sigourney Weaver; Chris Matthews; Isaac Stern; Richard Avedon; Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Meryl Streep (December 20, 1999) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Emmott, Gianni Riotta & Sylvie Kauffmann; Lou Reed; Todd Philips (April 21, 1998) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Gates (March 3, 2004) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Harrison (May 12, 2005) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Jones, John Greenwald & Paul Krugman; Gregory Hines; Irving Wladawsky-Berger (January 30, 2001) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Joy; Daniel Barenboim (March 13, 2000) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Joy; Jeffrey Hawkins; Dean Kamen (July 3, 2000) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Keller; Ben Affleck (May 29, 2002) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Keller; Judith Kipper, Rachel Bronson & Thomas Lippman (August 2, 2005) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Kristol (March 18, 2003) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Kristol and Martha Raddatz; James Clyburn; Paul Rieckhoff, David Myers, and Daniel Anfang (November 10, 2006) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill McCollum & Charles Schumer; Susan Sontag; Hank Jones & Charles Haden (August 2, 1995) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill McCollum & Dick Reavis; Mary Fisher; Tom DiCillo; Claudia Shear (July 18, 1995) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Moyers & Judith Moyers; Richard Posner (June 22, 2006) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Moyers & Yvette Vega; Thomas Friedman (June 12, 2006) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Moyers (January 28, 1998) (DVD, Region Free)
Charlie Rose with Bill Moyers, David Halberstam, Meena Bose, Joe Klein, Henry Kissinger & Sam Nunn (November 2, 2004) (DVD, Region Free)

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