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Indestructible Man, The

Synopsis: Lieutenant Dick Chasen (Casey Adams) narrates-in the serious tone of a Dragnet episode-the riveting tale of Charles "Butcher" Benton (Lon Chaney). As he sits on death row, Benton refuses to tell his dishonest lawyer, Lowe, where he hid the $600,000 he stole during a bank robbery. Instead, he sends a map detailing the location of the money to his stripper girlfriend, Eva Martin (Marian Carr). Lowe intercepts the letter and steals the map. "The Butcher" vows revenge on Lowe and all his cronies. After his execution, Benton's body is taken to the laboratory of Dr. Bradshaw, whose experiments to find the cure for cancer accidentally bring Benton back to life-only now he's indestructible!

Alternate Title(s): Ian Fleming's The Man with the Golden Gun (UK) (complete title)

Directed By: Jack Pollexfen Genre: Cult / Drama / Sci-Fi
Cast: Casey Adams, Marian Carr, Lon Chaney,
Robert Shayne, Ken Terrell
Year of Production: 1956


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Indestructible Man, The
Indestructible Man, The (DVD, Not Rated)

Region: 1
Released: Aug-27-2002
Run Time: 70 minutes
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Indestructible Man, The (Bayview Entertainment)
Indestructible Man, The (Bayview Entertainment) (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Jan-1-2013
Run Time: N/A
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Indestructible Man, The
Indestructible Man, The (DVD, Not Rated)

Region: Free
Released: Aug-27-2002
Run Time: 70 minutes

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