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Legend Of Johnny Lingo, The

Synopsis: Far away on a tropical island, an orphan boy named Tama is "cursed" by his tribe and finds comfort with a fellow outcast: Mahana, a feisty girl shunned for her ragged appearance. When Tama sails off in search of a new life, he promises a tearful Mahana to return for her someday. But Tama's journey leads him to Johnny Lingo, a wealthy trader who makes Tama his apprentice and heir. Now, as Tama embraces his new life, he must learn that the measure of a man is not in his possessions but in love, friendship and - in Tama's case - honoring a promise from the past.

Directed By: Steven Ramirez Genre: Action / Comedy / Family
Cast: Fokikovoi, Hori Ahipene, Kayte Ferguson,
Alvin Fitisemanu, Rawiri Paratene, Sima Urale
Year of Production: 2003


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Legend of Johnny Lingo, The
Legend of Johnny Lingo, The (DVD, G)

Region: 1
Released: May-11-2004
Run Time: 91 minutes

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* black6q (Added movie on August 23, 2010)

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