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Weasels Rip My Flesh

Synopsis: One dark night, a NASA probe returning from Venus crash-lands near the wilds of Long Island and unleashes a radioactive curse upon the closest living creature, a rabid weasel. Unbeknownst to the innocent residents, this mutating menace transforms into an invincible fiend, stalking the residents in a terrifying quest to satisfy its hunger for human flesh. Discovering that the weasel's blood possesses fantastic properties of regeneration, mad Dr. Sendam decides to use it for his own twisted purposes while an intrepid government inspector closes in fast on the bloodthirsty, furry menace.

Directed By: Nathan Schiff Genre: Cult / Horror
Cast: Fred Borges, Fred Dabby, Jody Kadish,
Steven Kriete, Edward Schiff, John Smihula
Year of Production: 1979


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Weasels Rip My Flesh
Weasels Rip My Flesh (DVD, NR)

Region: Free
Released: Feb-24-2004
Run Time: 64 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on February 2, 2010)

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