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Point, The

Synopsis: A Story of the Street, As Told by the Street The kids' stories told in their own voices. Director Joshua Dorsey takes collaborative filmmaking to a new level: Teens didn't just perform their characters - they helped to create them. The Point takes us into the lives of teens whose experiences are anything but ordinary. At breakneck speed, it draws us into their street-level perspective - as people trying to take their place in a complex urban landscape where anything can happen. The Point is the story of one fateful weekend in Montreal's Point St. Charles neighbourhood, when the lives of its teenage population intersect in unexpected ways, ultimately solving a mystery that has haunted the neighbourhood for years.

Directed By: Joshua Dorsey Genre: Foreign / Independent (Indie)
Cast: Satchel Babineau, Julie Chauvin, Ruth Dolores,
Julian Kumarasinghe, Sabrina Law, Jonny Wagge
Year of Production: 2007


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Point, The
Point, The (DVD, Not Rated)

Region: 1
Released: Nov-11-2008
Run Time: 85 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on December 9, 2008)

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