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Synopsis: First it's two adorable little boys, camping with their parents in the Mojave Desert, who are fanged to death by at least a dozen of 'em. Then a housewife is setting a table for dinner when she's unexpectedly greeted by an army of the wiggling horrors scurrying around by her feet. Worse, as a plumber on a late-night house call crawls beneath a home and disconnects a bathtub's drainpipe, a big scaly one makes a beeline straight up his pants. Unaware of this, the lady of the house climbs into what she assumes will be a relaxing bubble bath only to find Rattlers suddenly swimming between her legs.

Directed By: John McCauley Genre: Horror
Cast: Elisabeth Chauvet, Sam Chew,
Ron Gold, Dan Priest
Year of Production: 1975


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Rattlers (DVD, PG)

Region: 1
Released: Oct-8-2002
Run Time: 81 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on August 3, 2008)

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